Structure of the entry
Entries were compiled following the attached scheme.
In certain cases it was impossible to obtain all informations, therefore the entries sum
marize only the recent level of knowledge. Uncertain and unknown data are marked
by question mark – ?. Rarely there were records which were incorrect, but it was
necessary to cite them, they are marked (sic!).
Historical sites names are presented and explained in the chapter Explanations and
abbreviations (Vysvetlivky a skratky).
Family name, first name (maiden name, original, other forms of writing the names, pseudonym, author’s abbreviation used in scientific plant names).
Date and place of birth (country, if different from Slovakia); current place names are given.
Date and place of death (country, if different from Slovakia); or grave.
Pictorial material (portraits, photos, reproductions a. o., with citation or archiving).
Studies (years of study, discipline, school and place, year of graduation, title).
Activities after finishing studies (years and function, place, scientific degrees, other important comments).
Bibliography (abbreviated citations of most important published bibliographies)
Most significant publications (3 – 5 citations of the most important works, priorities are given to works dealing with the Slovak flora, other notes on publication activities).
Herbarium and other collections (deposition, other notes on the collection).
Library and other archive materials (deposition, their history).
Activities abroad (country, year, activity).
Membership in scientific societies and associations (name of the society, years and duties, if known).
Membership in editorial boards and other editorial activities (name of the journal or other publication, years and duties).
Educational activities (organization of courses, excursions, lectures, exhibitions, healer and other activities).
Memorials, chambers, busts, medals, stamps and other awards and honors (also with place and year if available).
What is named after them (plant, journal, locality, medal, society, street a. o.).
Special contribution towards the botany (especially Slovak) and other supplementary and interesting information (professional orientation, outstanding or pioneer success, pedagogical, publication and editorial activities, hobbies, interests a. o.).
Literature cited. Biographical papers, necrologies, bibliographies, also life stories and memories written in fiction (author, year, name of the paper or book, citation, pages, etc.). at the end abbreviated citations of the most important biographical sources. (Note: Because of limited amount of informations, editors are not mentioned, only the place of publication.)
Abbreviation of the compiler’s name (with the accent on his/her own memories, sometimes also the name of the person who brought the data).