Botanical Personalities of Slovakia

Welcome on website dedicated to botanical personalities of Slovakia

This website (database) provides encyclopedic information about approximately 630 late personalities who have contributed to the development of botany and related disciplines in Slovakia. The basis for its creation is the information presented in the book Personalities of botany in Slovakia, by the authors Marta Vozárová, Helena Šípošová and others, which was published by the Veda publishing house in Bratislava in 2010. Expanded and supplemented electronic version of the book in the form of interactive website was being prepared since 2021 by RNDr. Helena Šípošová, CSc., who, however, died tragically on June 30th 2022. According to her legacy, the electronic edition of the publication was prepared by Svetlana Ivančíková, Pavol Mereďa junior and Iva Hodálová with the technical support of Denis Ivančík.

The database includes personalities functioning in Slovakia or abroad who died before 2010, and who contributed to the development of botany and related disciplines in Slovakia in various means (knowledge, publications, floristic activities, herbaria, professional and scientific illustrations, photographs, etc.) and enriched the knowledge plant wealth of Slovakia. It is not only professional botanists (taxonomists, physiologists, embryologists, algologists, mycologists, lichenologists, bryologists, dendrologists, pharmacists, foresters, breeders and others), but also florists - amateurs, as well as personalities with original fruit growing activities, gardening, horticulture, viticulture etc.

Our goal is to gradually supplement the database with additional photos, information and personalities, and eventually to revise some misinformation that may occur.

Introduction to book

Structure of the entry